Zone and Access Routes Within the Sanctuary Where the Operation of Motorized Personal Watercraft Is Allowed
The four zones and access routes are:
- The approximately one nautical mile squared (NM²) area off Pillar Point Harbor from launch ramps, through harbor entrance to the northern boundary of Zone One bounded by flashing 5-second breakwater entrance light and horn located at the seaward end of the other west breakwater.
- The approximately five NM² area off of Santa Cruz Small Craft harbor from harbor launch ramps, through harbor entrance, and then along a 100 yard wide access route southwest along a true bearing of approximately 196- (180-magmetic) to the whistle buoy.
- The approximately five NM² area off of Moss landing Harbor from harbor launch ramps, through harbor entrance, and then along a 100 yard wide access route due west to the eastern boundary of Zone Three
- The approximately five NM² area off Monterey Harbor from harbor launch ramps to the seaward end of the U.S. Coast Guard Pier, and then along a 100 yard wide access route due north to the southern boundary of Zone Four.
*The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration definition of a Motorized personal water craft means any motorized vessel that is less than fifteen feet in length as manufactured, is capable of exceeding fifteen knots, and has the capacity to carry not more than the operator and one other person while in operation. The term includes, but is not limited to: jet skis, wet bikes, miniature speed boats, air boats, and hovercraft.